Geospatial ECOlogy and Ecosystem Services


01. Geospatial Ecology and Remote Sensing 


Using a variety of EO and geospatial data, we develop techniques and modelling approaches to tackle ecological and conservation problems. Key research lines include development of EO forest monitoring systems, land cover change trajectory analysis, landscape connectivity and fragmentation, monitoring of protected areas. We also research how policies and conflicts can drive changes in the natural environment; this recent line is currently focusing on Colombia and the peace agreement with FARC.


Reference papers

 • Clerici, N., Salazar, C. Pardo Rubio, C., Jiggins, C., Richardson, J., Linares, M., 2018. Peace in Colombia is a critical moment for Neotropical connectivity and conservation: Save the northern Andes-Amazon biodiversity bridge. Conservation Letters.

•  Pedraza, C.; Clerici, N.; Forero, C.F.; Melo, A.; Navarrete, D.; Lizcano, D.; Zuluaga, A.F.; Delgado, J.; Galindo, G.           2018. Zero Deforestation Agreement Assessment at Farm Level in Colombia Using ALOS PALSAR. Remote Sensing 2018, 10, 1464


•  Clerici, N., Valbuena Calderón, C.A., Posada, J., 2017. Fusion of Sentinel-1A and Sentinel-2A data for land cover mapping: a case study in the lower Magdalena region, Colombia. Journal of Maps, 13 (2); doi:10.1080/17445647.2017.1372316

• Rubiano, K., Clerici, N., Norden, N., Etter, A., 2017. Secondary Forest and Shrubland Dynamics in a Highly Transformed Landscape in the Northern Andes of Colombia (1985–2015). Forests, 8(6), 216; doi:10.3390/f8060216  

• Clerici, N., Richardson,J.E., Escobedo,F.J., Posada,J.M., Linares,M., Sanchez,A., Vargas, J.F., 2016. Colombia: Dealing in conservation. Science. 354:6309, p.190

02. Ecosystem Services

 We develop methods to map and quantify ecosystem services (ES) using satellite data at local, regional and continental scale. Being part of the Upper Andean Forest Network, we use a large set of permanent forest plots to calibrate models of carbon stock estimation that use EO data. We also research the integration of climate change and land-use management projections into spatially explicit models of ES provision. In Colombia, we studied the unequal distribution of urban ecosystem services in Bogotá, and the relationships of urban forest characteristics with crime occurrence.     

Reference papers

• Clerici, N., Cote-Navarro, F., Escobedo, F., Rubiano, K., Villegas, J.C. 2019. Spatio-temporal and cumulative effects of land use-land cover and climate change on two ecosystem services in the Colombian Andes. 2019. Science of the Total Environment 685, 1181-1192

• Dobbs, C., Escobedo, F.J., Clerici, N., de la Barrera, F., Eleuterio, A.A., Reyes-Paecke, S., Vásquez, A., Zea Camaño, J.D., Hernandéz, H.J., 2019. Urban Ecosystem Services in Latin America: Mismatch between Global Concepts and Local Realities?  Urban Ecosystems. Volume 22, Issue 1, pp 173–187.

• Escobedo, F., Clerici, N., Feged-Rivadeneira, A., Bohorquez, C.,   Staudhammer, C., Tovar, G., 2018.  Trees and Crime in Bogotá, Colombia: Is the link an ecosystem service or disservice? Land Use Policy. 78, pp.583-592 


•  Clerici, N.; Rubiano, K.; Abd-Elrahman, A.; Posada Hoestettler, J.M.; Escobedo, F.J. 2016. Estimating Aboveground Biomass and Carbon Stocks in Periurban Andean Secondary Forests Using Very High Resolution Imagery. Forests 7, 138. 

•  Escobedo, F.J., Clerici, N., Staudhammer, C.L., Tovar Corzo, G., 2015. Socio-ecological dynamics and inequality in Bogotá, Colombia's public urban forests and their ecosystem services. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 14 (4), Pages 1040–1053.  

03. Recent Projects

  • 2018-2020. Habitat change in the post-conflict: National System of Protected Areas of Colombia and its effects on hydrological resources. 

  •  2017-2018. Socio-ecological dynamics in the face of climate change scenarios in high Andean peri-urban secondary forests. 2017-2018 Funded by Department of Science, Technology and Innovation of Colombia. 

  •  2014-2017. Landscape ecological integrity analysis and Forest ecosystem services evaluation in the Low Watershed of Rio Negro, Cundinamarca.  Funded by Fondo Nacional de Regalías, Gobernación de Cundinamarca. 

  • 2015-2016. Mapping aboveground biomass of high Andean secondary forests with very high-resolution satellite data. Research Fund of the Universidad del Rosario.